Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tantalizing Tuesday

    I  thought I would make my mark on this site and add a little sugar for the girls as well.  I do a weekly series called Tantalizing Tuesday on my blog and thought I would share it here.

    So eat your hearts out guys!

    It is no secret that I have a little bit of a fetish for Harley's and one of my favorite TV shows is Sons of Anarchy.  And of course I go weak at the knees when I see Charlie Hunnam on a Harley.  We saw Pacific Rim over the weekend so I just had to showcase him on this weeks Tantalizing Tuesday edition.

    Sons of Anarchy

    Pacific Rim

    Lanthie Ransom

    Come on over to the dark side occasionally and read my blog at http://www.lifecherries.com

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