Onto 1985. Now this was a bit embarrassing - my Dad found this issue of "Club" but gave it me back. Fair do's. "Club" was great - fit birds and good old Linzi Drew every month. I posted the main centrefold from this earlier in this blog. "The Wetter The Better"issue of "Men Only" was fantastic. The centrefold of "Soapier & Loren" (groan) was a fave of mine. And who's tits were best? Debbee's or Lu's?
This 50th Anniversary issue above was one I managed to pick up on my birthday (awww), along with the following issue of the "Penthouse Collection" - yes, that Summer I'd gone upmarket and started to read a more classy wankmag.
The issue below was the first one I managed to get my hands on - too many articles but the quality of some of the sets made up for this, with a marvellous Christy Canyons set being a highlight.

...and of course Page Three girl of the decade Sam Fox was always good value. This issue was great as it had a poster of every single Penthouse cover up to that date. And Sam's fine arse and tits.