Actress and human rights activist Angelina Jolie was touched by the story of 14-year-old Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head and neck by the Taliban. The actress has penned a column for The Daily Beast in which she details discussing the situation with her kids.
Malala’s story inspired Jolie, along with Daily Beast editor Tina Brown, to lend their support to the Women in the World Foundation’s campaign to raise money for girls fighting for education in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Jolie’s own Education Partnership for Children of Conflict is set to donate the first $50,000 to the fundraiser.
Malala’s story inspired Jolie, along with Daily Beast editor Tina Brown, to lend their support to the Women in the World Foundation’s campaign to raise money for girls fighting for education in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Jolie’s own Education Partnership for Children of Conflict is set to donate the first $50,000 to the fundraiser.